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Travel Destinations

Travel Destinations


2024 started well for us as we headed off to Barcelona for a holiday on the 1st of Jan. We only spent about three and a half days there and enjoyed it. Barcelona is the kind of city where one can spend many more days. There are enough blogs and resources about what to do in Barcelona so I won’t try to duplicate that but will focus this post on (1) some…

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Travel Destinations

Beer Hike in Franconia

I first heard about a ‘beer hike’ in 2017, when we were in Munich for a holiday and I was chatting with a local at a pub. The concept of walking to multiple breweries spread across a few villages over a couple of days sounded quite appealing so it was filed away in the long list of ‘must-do’ travel ideas. The idea finally became a reality in 2023 when a friend and…

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Travel Destinations

2 Days in Athens, Greece

When someone thinks of Athens, chances are that the Acropolis is the first thing that comes to mind. The Acropolis is fascinating with many of the remains there dating back to more than 2,500 years ago. The earliest artifacts found there date as far back as the 6th Millennium BCE. Walking around Athens with the omnipresent towering presence of Acropolis almost feels surreal sometimes. Walking around the collection of ancient ruins at…

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Travel Destinations

Sri Lanka

I started writing this blog soon after our holiday to Sri Lanka but forgot all about it, and after some time it felt too onerous to go back to a holiday many months ago and write about it. It was made even more difficult by the fact that we moved soon after to Ireland and got busy settling in and travelling around Ireland. More than a year later, a friend of mine…

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Travel Destinations

24 Hours in Jerusalem

Israel had been on my list for a long time but a trip there (work or leisure) had not materialised for a long time until recently. I had a work trip come up so decided to add on an extra day to see a bit of Israel. I decided on spending that day in Jerusalem, given how much there is to see within a very small area – the best way to…

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Ireland and UK Travel Destinations

Carlingford, Ireland

We moved to Dublin, Ireland in early December, and this was our first weekend here. We had previously been to Dublin and had seen quite a bit of the city so decided to take a short road trip. One pleasure that we had missed in Singapore. We found out about a charming village called Carlingford, just over an hour’s drive from Dublin, which, as we found out later, is famous for Leprechauns.…

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Ireland and UK Travel Destinations

Aran Islands, Ireland

Back to my blog after a long break, during which my family and I moved from Singapore to Ireland. Apart from a few road trips, and many hikes, Aran Islands were our first major holiday. Aran Islands are a set of three islands, off the western coast of Ireland. Inis Mór (Inishmore) is the largest island (31sq-km), Inis Meáin (Inishmaan) is the middle island (9sq-km), and Inis Oírr (Inisheer) the smallest (8sq-km).…

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Travel Destinations

Lisbon – Trams, Sunsets and Delicious Food

Note: This post is a travelogue of our time in Lisbon. Go to this link for a quick reference guide to all the important tips and prominent places.  Lisbon was the start of our long Europe+Morocco holiday in Nov/Dec 2017. Technically, Athens was the first destination but we barely spent a day there so it doesn’t really count. Day 1 We arrived in Lisbon around 11 am after a short (4h 15min) flight…

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Travel Destinations

Luang Prabang – Fall in Love

We visited Luang Prabang (Laos) in Dec-2016 and it would not be an exaggeration to say that we fell in love with the place. Laos is a land-locked country in South-East Asia, with Vietnam, China, Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia as its neighbours. It is not as popular a destination for tourists as its neighbours and that makes for a fresh experience. Luang Prabang (‘Royal Buddha Image’) is a UNESCO Heritage town in…

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Travel Destinations

Morocco – Road Trip to the Atlas Mountains and the Sahara

This post is a detailed account of the road trip from Fes to the Sahara desert and then on to Marrakesh, passing through the plains of the Middle Atlas and the passes of the High Atlas mountains. My other posts cover Morocco in more detail: 12 Things I Learnt in my 12 Days in Morocco Morocco – Sea, Mountains, Desert, Medinas, and Goats on a Tree We picked Merzouga as the place…

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