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Travel Planning and Preparation

My Travel Essentials

Travel is fun, and so is collecting useful travel gear/equipment. Of course, needs of each travel and each traveller are different so below is a list of what I consider my travel essentials. As the song goes ‘”these are a few of my favourite things…” Disclaimer: I do not receive any benefit from the products/businesses below unless specifically mentioned. 1. Maps Whether I intend to drive or not, I always download Google Maps…

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Travel Planning and Preparation

Sabbatical 2017 – Our longest travel so far – 32 days

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I am quite fortunate to work for a company that gives me a 4-week sabbatical (paid leave in addition to the regular paid time off) every five years. I took my sabbatical from mid-Nov 2017 to mid-Jan 2018, adding on all my expiring time off days, and we did a long 32 day travel across Europe and North Africa. A long travel like this, with kids, has its own charm and challenges…

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